
Programming in Python

   Course Code: UGCA1914 Course Name: Programming in Python Program: B.Sc. IT                                                        L: 3 T: 1 P: 0 Branch: Computer Applications                          Credits: 4 Semester: 3rd                                                                Contact hours: 44 hours Internal max. marks: 40                             Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs External max. marks: 60                             Elective status: Core Total marks: 100 Unit-I Introduction to Python Programming Language : Programming Language , History and Origin of Python Language , Features of Python , Limitations , Major Applications of Python , Getting Installing Python, setting up Path and Environment Variables, Running Python, First Python Program, Python Interactive Help Feature, Python differences from other languages . Python Data Types & Input/Output : Keywords & Identifiers , Python Statement , Indentation , Documentation , Variables , Multip