Designing classes

 Designing classes

Designing classes in Python involves creating a blueprint that represents real-world entities, with attributes and methods that model their behavior. Below is an example of designing classes for a simple "Library" system.


class Book:

    def __init__(self, title, author, ISBN):

        self.title = title = author

        self.ISBN = ISBN

    def display_info(self):

        print(f"Title: {self.title}")

        print(f"Author: {}")

        print(f"ISBN: {self.ISBN}")

class Library:

    def __init__(self):

        self.books = []

    def add_book(self, book):


    def display_books(self):

        for book in self.books:



# Example usage:

book1 = Book("The Catcher in the Rye", "J.D. Salinger", "978-0-316-76948-0")

book2 = Book("To Kill a Mockingbird", "Harper Lee", "978-0-06-112008-4")

library = Library()





In this example, we have two classes:

1. Book Class:

   - Attributes: `title`, `author`, `ISBN`

   - Methods: `__init__` (constructor) and `display_info` to display book information.

2. Library Class:

   - Attributes: `books` (a list to store Book objects)

   - Methods: `__init__` (constructor), `add_book` to add a book to the library, and `display_books` to display information about all books in the library.

This is a simple example, but the principles can be extended to more complex scenarios. When designing classes:

- Identify the Entities: Identify the real-world entities you want to model, and consider their attributes and behaviors.


- Encapsulation: Encapsulate related attributes and behaviors within a class.

- Inheritance: Use inheritance when a class shares common attributes and methods with another class.

- Polymorphism: Use polymorphism when you want multiple classes to provide a common interface.

- Keep it Modular: Design classes to be modular and loosely coupled, promoting reusability.

- Use Appropriate Naming: Choose clear and descriptive names for classes, attributes, and methods.

- Consider Composition: Sometimes it's better to compose classes by combining smaller, more focused classes rather than inheriting from a single, large class.

Remember, good class design is a crucial aspect of writing maintainable and scalable code. It's often an iterative process, and you might refine your classes as your understanding of the problem domain evolves.


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